Definition, Objectives, and Monetary Policy Instruments

Definition, Objectives, and Monetary Policy Instruments
Understanding Monetary Policy
Monetary policy is basically a policy that aims to achieve internal balance (high economic growth, price stability, equitable development) and external balance (balance of payments balance) and the achievement of macroeconomic objectives, namely maintaining economic stabilization that can be measured by employment opportunities, price stability and a balanced international balance of payments.
If stability in economic activity is disrupted, monetary policy can be used to restore (stabilization measures). The influence of monetary policy will first be felt by the banking sector, which is then transferred to the real sector. Monetary policy is defined by the plans and actions of a coordinated monetary authority to maintain monetary balance, and stabilize the value of money, encourage smooth production and development, and expand employment opportunities to improve people's lives.
Wikipedia provides a definition of monetary policy with a process undertaken by the government, central bank, or monetary authority of a country to control, supply of money, availability of money, interest rates, in order to achieve a set of orientation goals for economic growth and stability. Where monetary policy is usually known as a choice between expansion policy or contraction policy.
So it can be concluded from the above understanding that monetary policy is all the efforts or actions of the central bank to influence monetary developments (money supply, interest rates, credit and exchange rates) to achieve certain economic goals. As part of macroeconomic policy, the purpose of monetary policy is to help achieve macroeconomic goals including: economic growth, employment opportunities, price stability and balance of payments. The four targets are the objectives / final targets of monetary policy (final target).
Ideally, all monetary policy objectives must be achieved simultaneously and sustainably. However, experience in many countries, including the world, shows that this is difficult to achieve, and there is even a contradictory tendency. For example, contractive monetary policies to curb inflation can have a negative effect on economic growth and job creation.

Types of Monetary Policy
Monetary policy is basically a policy that aims to achieve internal balance (high economic growth, price stability, equitable development) and external balance (balance of payments balance) and the achievement of macroeconomic objectives, namely maintaining economic stabilization that can be measured by employment opportunities, price stability and a balanced international balance of payments.
If stability in economic activity is disrupted, monetary policy can be used to restore (stabilization measures). The influence of monetary policy will first be felt by the banking sector, which is then transferred to the real sector. Monetary policy can be classified into two namely:

Expansive monetary policy (Monetary expansive policy)
Is a policy in order to increase the amount of money in circulation. This policy is carried out to overcome unemployment and increase people's purchasing power (public demand) when the economy experiences a recession or depression. This policy is also called easy monetary policy (easy money policy)

Monetary contractive policy
Is a policy in order to reduce the amount of money in circulation. This policy is carried out when the economy experiences inflation. Also called the tight money policy (tight money policy)

Monetary Policy Objectives
Bank has the objective to achieve and maintain the stability of the value of the rupiah. This objective as stated in Law No. 3 of 2004 article 7 concerning Bank. What is meant by the stability of the value of the rupiah, among others, is the stability of the prices of goods and services reflected in inflation.
To achieve this goal, since 2005 Bank  has implemented a monetary policy framework with inflation as the main target of monetary policy (Inflation Targeting Framework) by adopting a free floating exchange rate system. The role of exchange rate stability is very important in achieving price stability and the financial system. Therefore, Bank also operates an exchange rate policy to reduce excessive exchange rate volatility, not to direct the exchange rate to a certain level.

Monetary Policy Operations and Instruments

Monetary Policy Operations and Instruments
Substitution of money
This policy is to replace old money with new money with a comparison of old money worth Rp. 1000, - replaced with new money with a nominal value of one rupiah. This policy was implemented at the end of the Sukarno policy or the beginning of the Suharto government.

Devaluation is related to the government's policy to reduce the value of domestic money against the value of foreign money.

Monetary Policy Operations
Monetary policy operations consist of monetary instruments, operational targets, intermediate targets, and final targets.

Monetary instruments
Monetary policy can be carried out by implementing monetary policy instruments, which include:

1. Open Market Operations
This instrument is the most important monetary policy tool because it is the main determinant between changes in interest rates and the monetary base and is the main source for influencing fluctuations in the money supply. Open market operations include the act of selling or buying government securities. If you want to increase the money supply, the government will buy government securities. However, if you want the amount of money circulating to decrease, the government will sell government securities to the public. Government securities include, among others, SBI (Bank Indonesia Certificates) and SBPU (Money Market Securities).
Open market operations have two main influences on money market conditions, namely first, increasing the reserves of commercial banks that participate in transactions. This is because in the purchase of securities for example, the central bank will increase the reserves of commercial banks that sell the securities, consequently commercial banks can increase the amount of money in circulation (through the process of creating credit). When the central bank sells securities on the open market, the reserves of commercial banks will decrease. Next these banks were forced to reduce lending, thereby reducing the money supply. The second effect, the act of buying or selling securities will affect the price (and thus also the interest rate) of the securities, thereby reducing the money supply and increasing the interest rate.

Based on its objectives, tebuka market operations are divided into two types namely:
Dynamic open market operation
Aims to change the amount of reserves and monetary base.
Defensive open market operations
Aims to control other factors that can affect the amount of reserves and monetary base.
2. Discount Rate
This policy includes actions to change the interest rate that must be paid by commercial banks in terms of borrowing funds from the central bank. This policy basically aims to influence the discount rate which in turn will affect the money supply through changes in loan interest rates. By increasing the discount, the cost of borrowing funds from the central bank will rise so that it will reduce the desire of commercial banks to lend to the central bank. As a result, the money supply can be reduced or reduced. In addition, the position of the amount of reserves can also be influenced through this instrument. If the discount rate increases, it will increase the cost of borrowing at the bank. This increase in reserves is an indication that the central bank is implementing a strict monetary policy.

3. Stipulation of minimum reserve requirements (minimum reserve requirements)
The mandatory reserve ratio is regulating the amount of money in circulation by playing the amount of bank reserve funds that must be deposited with the government. If the minimum required reserve is lowered, it will cause an increase in the amount of deposits so that the money supply tends to increase and vice versa if the minimum required reserve is increased, it will reduce the amount of deposits which will ultimately reduce the amount of money in circulation. So as to increase the amount of money, the government reduced the mandatory reserve ratio. To decrease the money supply, the government raised the ratio.

4. Moral Appeal (Moral Persuasion)
Moral appeal is a monetary policy to regulate the money supply by appealing to economic actors. This policy was carried out by Bank Indonesia by asking or urging banks to always consider the macroeconomic conditions and micro conditions of each bank in preparing a reality loan expansion plan. This moral persuasion policy is basically intended to encourage banks to always apply the precautionary principle in providing credit,
to reduce the money supply and urge banks to borrow more money from the central bank to increase the money supply to the economy while still giving banks the freedom to grow and develop based on market mechanisms.

Moral Encouragement Policy and Monetary Wisdom Tool

Moral Encouragement Policy and Monetary Wisdom Tool
The central bank is able to influence the amount of money in circulation with various forms such as speeches, announcements, and circulars aimed at commercial banks and other monetary actors. The contents of the announcement include a call or an invitation to hold a savings loan

Monetary Wisdom Tool
Monetary policy can be carried out by implementing monetary policy instruments, which include:

Open market operations of rupiah or foreign exchange money
Open market operations are a way of controlling money in circulation by selling or buying government securities. If you want to increase the money supply, the government will buy government securities. However, if you want the amount of money circulating to decrease, the government will sell government securities to the public. Government securities include but are not limited to SBIs or abbreviations from Bank Indonesia Certificates and Money Market Securities (SBPU).

Determination of minimum required reserves
The politics of cash reserves means policies to increase or decrease the cash reserves that must exist in commercial banks. If economic conditions increase in price (inflation), the central bank can increase its minimum cash reserves so that the money in circulation can be reduced. Conversely, if economic conditions are sluggish, the government can reduce its minimum cash reserves, so that the money in circulation increases because of the large number of loans given to the public. As a result of the increase in cash reserves, the ability of commercial banks to provide loans is reduced or commercial banks are unable to provide loans and at the same time idle funds in banks increase.

Determination of the discount rate
Determination of the discount rate is setting the amount of money in circulation by playing the interest rate of the central bank at commercial banks. Commercial banks sometimes have a shortage of money so they have to borrow from the central bank. To make the amount of money increase, the government reduces the interest rate of the central bank, and vice versa raises the interest rate in order to make the money in circulation decrease.

Credit or financing arrangements
Credit or financing arrangements are policies to tighten or facilitate the provision of loans to the public. To regulate economic activities to grow better, the government (Bank Indonesia) can selectively supervise loans with the aim of ensuring that commercial banks provide loans and make investments as desired by the government. For example, to encourage the industrial sector, the central bank can make regulations that require commercial banks to lend part of their funds to industrial sector businesses with light conditions.

Other policies deemed necessary
Besides the policy tools above, there are still more policy tools that can and have been implemented by Indonesia:

Moral persuasion
Moral appeal is a monetary policy to regulate the money supply by appealing to economic actors. Examples such as calling on the lenders to be careful in issuing credit to reduce the money supply and to urge banks to borrow more money from the central bank to increase the money supply to the economy.

Sanering is a policy to cut banknotes in circulation into two parts, one part or half of the nominal value being replaced with new banknotes and the other half being replaced with state bonds. This policy occurred during the reign of Sukarno.

Capacity to Forecast Inflation

Capacity to Forecast Inflation
In theory, monetary policy can be transmitted through various channels, namely the interest rate channel, the bank credit channel, the company balance sheet channel, the exchange rate channel, the asset price channel, and the expectation channel. By going through these channels, monetary policy will be transmitted and affect the financial sector and the real sector after some time (lag of monument policy).
In addition to monetary policies that are "direct" as above, the central bank can also influence its ultimate goal "indirectly", namely through various regulations and appeals (moral suassion) to the banking sector to accelerate the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. In exercising monetary control, Bank Indonesia is given authority to use monetary instruments in the form of but not limited to open market operations, setting discount rates, setting minimum reserve requirements, and arranging credit or financing.
There are several conditions that must be met so that monetary policy can achieve success in its implementation. The prerequisites include:

Central Bank Indepensi.
Actually there is no Central Bank that can be truly independent without interference from the government. However, there are policy instruments that are not influenced by the government, for example through fiscal policy.

Focus on goals.
Controlling inflation is only one of several other targets that the Central Bank intends to achieve. Other targets sometimes conflict with inflation control goals, such as economic growth targets, employment opportunities, balance of payments, and exchange rates. Therefore, the Central Bank should not set other targets and focus on the main target of inflation control.

Capacity to forecast inflation.
The Central Bank absolutely must have the ability to predict inflation accurately, so that it can set the inflation target to be achieved.

Instrument monitoring
The Central Bank must have the ability to oversee monetary policy instruments.

Implement consistently and transparently.
With the consistent and transparent implementation of the inflation target, the public's trust in the policies stipulated will increase.

Monetary Policy Instruments
The instruments that can be utilized by the government in efforts to make monetary policy include:

Open Market Operations Policy
Open market operations are one of the policies decided by the central bank to increase or decrease the amount of money in circulation. This policy was adopted by selling SBIs (Bank Indonesia Certificates) or buying securities in the capital market.

Discount Policy
Discount policy is a reduction or increase in the amount of money circulating in the community by changing commercial bank discounts. If the central bank has calculated the amount of money in circulation exceeds the need (a symptom of inflation), then the central bank; will take policies to raise interest rates. With this policy, it will automatically stimulate the arrival of people to save money.

Cash Reserve Policy
The central bank can draw up regulations to regulate (increase and decrease) existing cash reserves (cash ratio). Commercial banks accept money from customers (savings, current accounts, certificates of deposit, etc.) which of course there is a certain percentage of the currency deposited by the customer.

Strict Credit Policy
Credit is still given by commercial banks, but the grant must be based on conditions covering 5C, namely Character, Capability, Collateral, Capital, and Condition of Economy. With tetat credit economic policy, an efficient amount of money can easily be monitored. This kind of policy can also be taken when the economy is experiencing symptoms of inflation.

Monetary Policy Function

Monetary Policy Function
In its implementation, Bank Indonesia has the authority to conduct monetary policy through setting monetary targets (such as money supply or interest rates) with the main objective of maintaining the inflation rate target set by the Government. Operationally, controlling these monetary targets uses instruments, including open market operations on the money market both in rupiah and foreign currencies, setting discount rates, setting minimum reserve requirements, and arranging credit or financing. Bank Indonesia can also use monetary control methods based on Sharia Principles.

In general, the objectives of monetary policy include:
Circulate the currency as a medium of exchange (medium of exchange) in the economy.
Maintaining a balance between economic liquidity needs and price level stability.
Optimal liquidity distribution in order to achieve the desired economic growth in various economic sectors
Help the government carry out its obligations which cannot be realized through normal sources of revenue.
Maintaining Economic Stability This means that the flow of goods and services is balanced with the growth of goods and services available.
Maintaining Price Stability. The price of an item is the result of interaction between the amount of money in circulation and the amount of money available in the market.
Increasing employment opportunities, when the economy is stable employers will make investments to increase the amount of goods and services so that the investment will open new jobs so as to expand employment opportunities.
Improving the Trade Balance of Community Work By increasing exports and reducing imports from abroad entering the country or vice versa.
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Monetary Policy Function
From the notion of monetary policy is a policy taken by the government (Central Bank) to increase and decrease the amount of money in circulation.
Since 1945, monetary policy has only been used as economic policy to achieve short-term economic stability. The fiscal policy is used in long-term economic control. But at this time monetary policy is the main policy used for short-term and long-term economic control. To influence the money supply, the government can implement a tight money policy and a loose money policy.

1. Tight Money Policy, namely the policy of the Central Bank to reduce the amount of money in circulation by:
a. Increase interest rates
b. Selling securities
c. Increase in cash reserves
d. Limit lending
2. Easy Money Policy, which is a policy carried out by the Central Bank to increase the amount of money in circulation by:
a. Lower interest rates
b. Buy securities
c. Decrease cash reserves
d. Give loose credit.
Considering the specific tasks carried out by Bank Indonesia, Bank Indonesia cannot fully control inflation, especially inflationary pressure originating from the supply side (cost push inflation). Bank Indonesia, through monetary policy, can influence inflation on the demand side, such as investment and public consumption. For example, a policy of increasing interest rates can 'redeem' public and government spending so that it can reduce overall demand, which in turn can reduce inflation. In addition, the increase in interest rates can strengthen the exchange rate through an increase (positive) interest rate differential.
Likewise, Bank Indonesia can influence public expectations through consistent and credible policies. The hope is that the inflation target of Bank Indonesia is referred to by the public and economic actors so that the inflation that occurs can be the same or close to the inflation target. If this condition occurs, then the cost of monetary control can be minimized.

Hooke's Law for Spring

Hooke's Law for Spring
6. Hooke's Law
Hooke's Law states that "if the dance style does not exceed the elastic limit of the spring, then the increase in the length of the spring is directly proportional to the tensile force". Mathematically written as follows.
F = external force applied (N)
k = spring constant (N / m)
Δx = Increase in spring length from its normal position (m)

Hooke's Law for Spring
6a. Series Arrangement
If two springs that have the same spring constant are arranged in series, then the spring length becomes 2x. Therefore, the spring equation is as follows:
Ks = Spring Equation
k = spring constant (N / m)

Whereas the equations for n springs whose constants and series are arranged are written as follows.
n = Number of springs

6b. Parallel Arrangement
If the springs are arranged in parallel, the length of the springs will remain the same as before, while the width of the springs will be more than 2x when the springs are arranged in two pieces. The spring equations for the two springs are arranged in parallel, namely:
Kp = Spring arrangement parallel arrangement
k = spring constant (N / m)

Whereas the equation for n springs which are the same constants and arranged in parallel, will produce stronger springs because the spring constants become larger. The spring equation can be written as follows.
n = Number of springs

Examples of Hooke's Legal Questions
A spring has an increase of 0.25 meters in length after applying force. If the spring reads 400 N / m. How much force does this spring have?
known :
x = 0.25 m
k = 400 N / m
asked F ....?
F = k. x
F = 400 N / m x 0.25 m
F = 100 N
So the force applied to the spring is 100 Newtons.
That is the full review Hopefully what is discussed above is useful for readers. That is all and thank you.

Hooke's Law Application

Hooke's Law Application
In the application of Hooke's law is very closely related to objects whose working principle uses springs and elastic ones. Hooke's legal principle has been applied to some of the following items.
Microscope whose function is to see tiny microorganisms that can not be seen by the naked eye
Telescope whose function is to see objects that are located far away so that it looks close, like an object in space
Gauges measuring the acceleration of Earth's gravity
A watch that uses a peer as a timer
The gauze or chronometer used to determine the line or position of the ship in the sea
Connection sticks gear shift vehicles both motorcycles and cars
Spring swing
Some of the items mentioned above have an important role in human life. In other words, Hooke's idea had a positive impact on the quality of life of the maunsia.

Sounds of Hooke's Law
Hooke's law states that the magnitude of the force acting on an object is proportional to the increase in the length of the object. Of course this applies to elastic differences (can stretch).
F = k. x
Information :
F = force acting on the spring (N)
k = spring constant (N / m)
x = increase in spring length (m)

Hooke's Law Formula
Magnitudes and Formulas in Hooke's Law and Elasticity
1. Voltage
Voltage is a condition where an object experiences a long increase when an object is exerted force on one end while the other end is held. Example. a piece of wire with a cross-sectional area of x m2, with an initial length of x meters drawn
with a force of N at one end while at the other end being held the wire will increase in length by x meters. This phenomenon describes a voltage which in physics is symbolized by σ and can be written mathematically as follows.
F = Force (N)
A = Cross-sectional area (m2)
σ = Voltage (N / m2 or Pa)

2. Strain
Strain is a ratio between the length of the wire in x meters and the initial length of the wire in x meters. This strain can occur because the force applied to the object or the wire is removed, so that the wire returns to its original shape.

This relationship can be written mathematically as follows:
e = strain
ΔL = Increase in length (m)
Lo = Initial length (m)
In accordance with the above equation, strain (e) has no units due to the increase in length (ΔL) and initial length (Lo) are quantities with the same unit.

3. Modulus of Elasticity (Modulus Young)
In physics, the modulus of elasticity is symbolized by E. The modulus of elasticity describes a ratio between stress and strain experienced by a material. In other words, elastic modulus is proportional to stress and inversely proportional to strain.
E = Modulus of elasticity (N / m)
e = strain
σ = Voltage (N / m2 or Pa)

4. Compression
Compression is a state that is almost similar to strain. The difference lies in the direction of movement of the molecule after being applied to the force. Unlike the case in a strain where the object molecules will be pushed out after being given a force. In compression, after being given a force, the object's molecules will be pushed in (compress).

5. Relationship Between Tensile Strength and Modulus of Elasticity
When written mathematically, the relationship between attraction and modulus of elasticity includes:
F = Force (N)
E = Modulus of elasticity (N / m)
e = strain
σ = Voltage (N / m2 or Pa)
A = Cross-sectional area (m2)
E = Modulus of elasticity (N / m)
ΔL = Increase in length (m)
Lo = Initial length (m)

Hooke's Law: Definition, Application, Sound and Formula

Hooke's Law: Definition, Application, Sound and Formula
Hooke's Law: Understanding, Application, Sound, and Formula with Complete Examples - Do you know what is meant by Hooke's Law ?? If you don't know it, you are absolutely right to visit Because here will discuss about the definition of hooke law, hooke law application, hooke law sound, and hooke legal formula along with examples of the complete problem. Therefore, let us consider the review below.

Understanding Hooke's Law
Hooke's law and elasticity are two interrelated terms. To understand the meaning of the word elasticity, many people analogize the term with objects made of rubber, although basically not all objects with rubber-based materials are elastic.
We take two examples of rubber bands and rubber peren. If the rubber band is pulled, then the length will continue to increase to a certain extent. Then, if the pull is released the length of the rubber band will return to normal.

Unlike the case with gum, if pulled the length will continue to increase to a certain extent but if the pull is released the length of the gum will not return to normal. This can happen because the elastic band is elastic while the gum is plastic.
But, if the rubber band is stretched continuously sometimes the kareng shape of the bracelet does not return to normal, which means that the elastic nature has disappeared. So it requires a high level of foresight to classify which objects are elastic and plastic.

So, it can be concluded that elasticity is the ability of an object to return to its original form after the force on the object is removed. The situation where an object can no longer return to its original shape due to the force applied to an object that is too large is called the elastic limit.
While Hooke's Law is an idea introduced by Robert Hooke that investigates the relationship between forces acting on a spring / other elastic object so that the object can return to all shape or not exceed its elasticity limit.
Thus, it can be concluded that Hooke's Law examines the maximum amount of force that can be exerted on an object that is elastic (often spring) so as not to cross its elastic limit and eliminate the elastic nature of the object.

Sounds of Kepler's Law

Sounds of Kepler's Law
Kepler's Law 1
Kepler's Law 1 is known as the law of elliptical trajectories. Kepler's Law I reads:
"All the planets move in an elliptical path around the sun with the sun in one of the elliptical foci"
Kepler's Law I states the shape of the planet's orbit, but cannot estimate the position of the planet at any one time. Therefore, Kepler tried to solve the problem, which subsequently succeeded in finding Kepler's II Law.

Kepler's Law 2
Kepler's Law 2 discusses the planetary motion which reads as follows.
"An imaginary gads that connect the sun with the planet sweep across the same wide area at the same time interval"
In the same time interval, Ll, Lii, and Liii. from Kepler's II law it can be seen that the speed of the biggest planetary revolution when the planet is closest to the sun (perihelium). Conversely, the smallest planet's velocity when the planet is at its furthest point (aphelium).

Kepler's Law 3
In this law Kepler describes the revolutionary period of each planet that surrounds the sun. Kepler III's Law reads:
The square period of a planet is proportional to the square of its average distance from the Sun.

Mathematically Kepler's Law can be written as follows:
Information :
T1 = Period of the first planet
T2 = Period of the second planet
r1 = distance of the first planet from the sun
r2 = distance of the second planet from the sun
This equation can be derived by combining 2 Newton's law equations, namely Newton's law of gravity and Newton's second law for regular circular motion. Decreasing the formula is as follows:

Newton II Law Equation:
Information :
m = the mass of the planet that surrounds the sun
a = centripetal acceleration of the planet
v = the average speed of the planet
r = the average distance of the planet from the sun

The equation of Newton's law of gravity:
Information :
Fg = Sun's gravitational force
m1 = mass of the sun
m2 = planet's mass
r = average distance of the planet and sun
Supporting Articles: Definition, Formula and Application of the Law of Gravity
Combined the two formulas above so that it becomes:
m2 on the left and m on the right are the mass of the planet so they can be removed.
The length of the path the planet is traveling around the planet's orbital path. The circumference of the planet's orbit can be formulated with 2 x phi x r, where r is the average distance of the planet from the sun. It is known that the average velocity of the planet is the ratio between the circumference of the orbit and the panet period, so that:
The constant k = T2 / r3 also obtained by Kepler was found by means of calculations using Tycho Brahe astronomical data. The results are also the same as those obtained using Newton's second formula above.

Examples of Kepler's Legal Questions
The time required by the earth to circle the sun is 1 year and the average distance between the earth and the center of the solar system is 1.5 x 1011 m. If it is known that the planet's orbital period of Venus is 0.615 years, what is the distance between the sun and Venus?

Known :
Earth period = Tb = 1 year
The distance from the sun to the earth Rm-b = 1.5 x 1011 m
Venus period = Tv = 0.615 years

Rm-v = ...?
example-matter-law clerk-iii
So by using the law of Kepler III the answer is obtained the distance between the sun and the planet Venus is 1,084 x 1011 m (closer than Earth).

Understanding Kepler's Law

Understanding Kepler's Law
Kepler's Law was discovered by a mathematician who was also a German astronomer named Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). His discovery was based on data observed by Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), a famous astronomer from Denmark.
Before the discovery of this law, ancient humans embraced geocentric understanding, which is an understanding that justifies that the earth is the center of the universe. This assumption is based on limited human sensory experience, which is every day
watching the sun, moon and stars move, while the earth feels silent. This assumption was developed by the Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy (100-170 AD) and survived for up to 1400 years. According to him, the earth is at the center of the solar system. The sun and planets circle the earth in a circular path.

Then in 1543, a Polish astronomer named Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) invented the heliocentric model. Heliocentric means that the earth and other planets surround the sun in a circular path.
Of course this opinion is better than the previous opinion. However, there is something still lacking from Copernicus's opinion that silence still uses circles as a form of trajectory of planetary motion.
In 1596 Kepler published his first book in the field of astronomy with the title The Mystery of the Universe. In that book he explained the shortcomings of the two models above namely there is no harmony between the trajectories of planetary orbits with observational data of Tycho Brahe.
Therefore Kepler left the Copernican model as well as Ptolemy and sought a new model. It was only in 1609 that an orbital shape was found that matched Brahe's observational data, the elliptical shape. Then his findings were published in his book entitled Astronomia Nova which was also accompanied by his second law. While Kepler's third law is written in Harmonices Mundi, published ten years later.

The Function of Kepler's Law
The function of Kepler's law in modern life is to estimate the trajectories of planets or other space objects orbiting the Sun such as asteroids or outer planets that have not been discovered during Kepler's life. This law also applies to other orbitals besides the sun.
Like the moon orbiting the earth. Even today, using the basis of Kepler's law, a new object orbiting the earth is found besides the moon. This object is an asteroid measuring 490 feet (150 meters) dubbed the 2014 Asteroid OL339.

Asteroids are close enough to the earth that they look like satellites. The asteroid has an elliptical orbit. It takes 364.92 days to circle the Sun. Almost the same as the earth which has a period of 365.25 days.

Kepler's Law 1 2 3: History, Sound, Function and Formulas

Kepler's Law 1 2 3: History, Sound, Function and Formulas
Kepler's Law 1 2 3: History, Sound, Function, Formulas and Examples of Complete Questions - Kepler's Law was discovered by a mathematician who was also a German astronomer named Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). His discovery was based on data observed by Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), a famous astronomer from Denmark.

The History of Kepler's Law
Inventor Biography
Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571 in Weil derstadt Germany, he was an important figure in the scientific revolution, and a German astronomer, mathematician and astrologer. he is best known for the laws of planetary motion. He died in 1630 November 15 in Regensburg Barvana-Germany.
Kepler grew up in a state of many problems. His aunt was burned accused of being a witch. And her mother almost had the same fate. This child is often ill and has poor eyesight that cannot be corrected with glasses.
Since childhood he had often been acquainted with the symptoms of the sky and celestial bodies. In 1577 he and his mother witnessed the appearance of a comet. And in 1580 with his father he witnessed a solar eclipse.
Kepler was so smart that he got a scholarship to study at the University of Tüũbingen to study theology, philosophy and mathematics. He taught mathematics and the basics of astronomy at the University of Graz in Austria. In 1584 he entered the Adelberg seminar to attend school. And in 1588 he obtained a full bachelor's degree.

Background to the Discovery of Kepler's Law
His discovery began in 1597, at which time he took the position of assistant to Tycho Brahe at the Benatek Observatory, Prague, a famous German astronomer.
When Tycho died in 1601, he left his notes and planetary reading tables to Kepler and Kepler replacing his position as Head of the Observatory and royal mathematician.

Instead of Tycho Brahe, Kepler inherited a large pile of records of careful observations of the planets Tycho had worked on for years. Because Tycho - the last large astronomer before the discovery of the telescope - was also a careful and meticulous observer that the world had ever known, the records were extremely large.
Kepler believes that Tycho's careful mathematical analysis notes allowed him to draw the conclusion that the theory of planetary motion was correct: Copernican heliocentric theory; the older Ptolemy's geocentric theory; or even the third theory that Tycho himself formulated. But after years of careful calculations, Kepler discovered that Tycho's observations were not consistent with any theories!
Finally Kepler realized that the problem was: he, like Copernicus and Tycho Brahe and all classical astronomers had guessed that planetary orbits consisted of circles or a combination of circles. However, the reality shows that planetary orbits are not circular, but rather oval, ellipses.
Even after finding the ultimate solution, Kepler still had to spend months immersing himself in the laborious and tedious work of calculating to ensure that his theory satisfied Tycho's observations. And finally he published his big book, Astronomia Nova, published in 1609.

Regarding the Change in the Form of Substances by Heat

Regarding the Change in the Form of Substances by Heat
In physics every thing that has a mass and occupies a space is called a substance. And if that has no mass but occupies space, then it belongs to an energy. Which includes those that have no mass such as sound and light. So, in physics that actually concerns the matter of matter and energy. But this time it was discussed about the problem of the substance's form and its changes, the shape of the substance can change due to the heat given or released.

Substance Change
In physics the basic theory of matter is divided into 3 forms, namely:
And gas substances
In science physics, the basic theory of matter explains that matter can undergo a change in form. In solid substances that can change their form into liquid this is usually called melting. Among these, like chunks, ice can turn into water. Then the water can be turned into steam which is called the evaporating event. Which includes events such as the evaporation of water on the surface of the earth into water vapor in the clouds. The opposite of changing the form above is to condense and freeze. The occurrence of water vapor conditions in the sky can experience the occurrence of this condensation because of the presence of dew that is attached / attached to any object or plant in the morning.
There is also an event of change in form which does not undergo a process of melting but instead directly becomes steam, this event is called by flooding such as mothballs turning directly into steam. The reverse process is called crystallizing in which camphor lime can transform into a camphor crystal.

Effect of Heat Against Substance
Heat can increase the temperature of a substance that affects the change in the form of a substance. Melting and evaporating which is an event that requires heat, because to be able to melt a lump of ice or to evaporate water requires heat.

But the event of condensation and freezing does not require heat but releases it, the occurrence of dew forming in the morning is an example of the change in form that releases heat. Likewise the freezing event will release a number of heat so that the water freezes to form a lump of ice.
Like a refrigerator (refrigerator) is the application of the occurrence of changes in the form of liquid substances that become solid, a tool functioned to remove the heat in the water. So thus chunks of ice can form in the refrigerator because the heat in the water has been removed by the device.
So it can be concluded that the substance that changes the substance is caused by the heat, in such a process the heat is needed by the substance to change its form, but some do not need the heat alias released.
Thus the language about the matter of Substance Changes by Kalor hopefully with the review can add insight and knowledge, thank you very much for visiting

Definition, Characteristics and Formulas of Regular Straight Motion

Definition, Characteristics and Formulas of Regular Straight Motion
Definition, Characteristics, and Formulas of Irregular Straight Motion and Its Examples in Complete - On previous occasions we have discussed about Irregularly Changing Straight Motion (GLBB) and on this occasion here will review about Irregular Straight Motion (GLB) in full. Therefore, let us consider the review below.

Definition of Regular Straight Motion (GLB)
GLB is as a motion of an object with a fixed speed. Speed is fixed which means either large or fixed direction. For example, a car moves at a fixed speed of 80 km / hour. Which means, the car can travel a distance of 80 km in 1 hour. When the speedometer needle in the car still shows 80 km / hour, which means the car is moving at a constant speed, because the speed of a fixed object, then the word speed can be replaced with speed.
The velocity at GLB is determined by the following equation:
v = average speed (m / s)
s = total mileage (m)
t = time lapse (s)

Characteristics of Regular Straight Motion (GLB)
An object is said to be moving in a straight line if it shows the following characteristics:
On a path in the form of a straight line or can still be considered as a straight line
At a fixed or constant speed of an object
Has no acceleration (a = 0)
At the length of the trajectory traveled is equal to the area of the v-vs-t graph
At speed is directly proportional to displacement and inversely proportional to time.
Regular Straight Motion Formula (GLB)
S = v x t
V = s / t
V = speed
s = distance
t = time
Example questions about Regular Straight Motion (GLB)
Ari ran 60 meters in 10 s. How big is Andi's running speed ??
Known: s = 60 m
t = 10 s
Asked: v = ..?
Answer: v = s / t
= 60 m / 10 s
= 6 ms-1
So, the speed of Andi 60 ms-1.
That's a review of the Definition, Characteristics, and Formulas of Irregular Straight Motion along with Complete Examples. Hopefully what is reviewed above is useful for the reader. That is all and thank you.

Understanding, Formulas and Examples of Swipe Style

Understanding, Formulas and Examples of Swipe Style
Complete Understanding, Formulas and Examples of Swipe - Hi Indonesian students meet again with On the previous occasion I have discussed gravity, and on this occasion here will be a complete review of the friction force. Therefore, let us consider the review below.

Understanding the Swipe Style
Friction is a force that is directed against the motion of objects or the direction of the tendency of moving objects. Friction occurs when two objects touch. The objects referred to here do not have to be solid, but can also be liquid, or gas.
In accordance with Newton's first law, the wooden blocks located on the table work the normal force in the opposite direction to the gravity. If the direction of motion of a horizontal object, the magnitude of the normal force (N) is equal to the weight of the object (w).
When a wooden block is pulled by a rope, a certain amount of force is required. This is due to the frictional force between the surface of the beam and the surface of the table in the opposite direction to the direction of the beam's motion.
The amount of friction is influenced by the weight of the object and the roughness of the surfaces that touch each other. For slippery surfaces, the effect of frictional force is very small, it can even be said to be non-existent.
The friction force (Fg) that occurs when an object has not moved is called the static friction force (Fs), while the friction force that occurs after a moving object is called the kinetic friction force (Fk).
As the wooden block is stretched, the spring balance gradually shows an increasingly large number. This happens because the static frictional force has a number that varies from zero to a certain maximum value. The largest number is reached just before the wooden block moves. This number is called the maximum static friction force.

Swipe Style Formula
In the static friction force the equation applies
Fs = μs N
Fs = static friction
μs = coefficient of static friction
N = normal force

In the kinetic friction force, the equation applies
Fk = μk N

Fk = kinetic friction
μk = coefficient of kinetic friction
N = normal force
μk <μs
Fg = Fs or Fk
the magnitude of the kinetic friction coefficient is fixed

Example of a Swipe Style Problem
An object whose mass is 50 kg is on a flat plane. On objects, the force acting 200 N is horizontal. What is the acceleration on the object if
a. slippery field;
b. rough field with a coefficient of friction = 0.3 (g = 10 m / s2)?
m = 50 kg
μ = 0.3
F = 200 N
g = 10 m / s2
a. the acceleration of the object if the plane is slippery = ...?
b. the acceleration of an object if the rough field (μ = 0.3) = ...?

a. Slippery field
F = m a then a = F / m
= 200/50
= 4 m / s
So, acceleration if the slippery plane = 4 m / s2.
b. Rough field (μ = 0.3)
N = w
= mg
= 50 x 10 = 500 N
Fgesek = μ N
= 0.3 x 500
= 150 N
Ftotal = F - Fgesek
= 200 150
= 50 N
a = Ttotal / m
= 50/50
= 1 m / s
So, acceleration if the rough field = 1 m / s2.
That's a review of Understanding, Formulas and Examples of Swipe Style in Complete. Hopefully what is reviewed above is useful for the reader. That is all and thank you.

Lorentz Style Understanding And Formulas

Lorentz Style Understanding And Formulas
Understanding, and Lorentz Style Formulas With Complete Examples - Style ??? In physics there are so many kinds of styles, one of Lorentz's styles and on this occasion here will be a complete review of Lorentz's style. Therefore, let us consider the review below.

Understanding Lorentz Style
Lorentz is the name of a style in modern physics taken from the last name of a physicist born in the Dutch Arnhem named Hendrik Anton Lorentz. The physicist from the country of windmills researched about a current conductor interaction placed in a magnetic field. And the result he managed to find a style which was then called the Lorentz style. This style is then much useful for moving electric motors for various purposes such as fans, blenders, and so forth.

Determining Lorentz Style Direction
In various applications of physics problems we often ask the direction of Lorentz's force. To determine the direction of Lorentz force we can use two alternative methods / rules namely the right hand rule or the screw rotational rule. Look like the picture below below !!!
Lorentz's force is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field, electric current, and the length of the wire. If the position of force, magnetic field strength and electric current are perpendicular to each other, then the magnitude of the Lorentz force can be formulated as shown below.

Lorentz Style Formulas
Florentz = B I l sin α
Information :
B = magnetic field strength (Tesla)
I = strong current flowing in the wire (amperes)
l = wire length (meters)

α = angle formed by B and I

Example of the Lorentz Style Problem
A 4 m long wire is electrified by 25 A. The wire is under the influence of a magnetic field of 0.06 Telsa forming an angle of 30º. against wire. It depends on the Lorentz force acting on the wire ie ???
a.0,5 N c.0,6 N d.0,75 N
b. 3 N d. 1 N
l = 4m
I = 25 A
B = 0.06 T
α = 30o
FL = B I l sin α
FL = 0.06. 25. 4. sin 30º
FL = 3 N
So the magnitude of Lorentz force that occurs is 3 N.

Definition and Formulation of Electric Energy Unit

Definition and Formulation of Electric Energy Unit
Understanding, Formulas, and Units of Electric Energy along with Examples of Complete Problems - Electrical energy is a basic need that must be met because without it there is any electrical energy every human activity will be difficult to do, because all the average activity using electrical energy.
In this discussion here will be a complete review of electrical energy. Therefore, let us consider the review below.

Formula and Electric Energy Unit
Understanding Electric Energy
Electrical energy is an energy that comes from an electric charge that causes a static electric field or the movement of electrons in a conductor (electric conductor) or ions (positive or negative) in a liquid or gas.
Electricity has an Ampere unit symbolized by A and an electric voltage symbolized by V with a volt unit provided that the wattage power requirement is symbolized as W. Electric energy can be created by another energy and can even provide an energy that can later be converted to energy another.

Electric Energy Formula
If in a circuit given a potential difference of V so that it carries an electrical charge of Q and an electric current of I, then the electrical energy required,
W = Q V with Q = I t
Information :
W = Electrical energy (Joules)
Q = Electric charge (Coulomb)
V = potential difference (Volt)
W is electrical energy in joules, where 1 joule is the energy needed to move a charge of 1 coulomb with a potential difference of 1 volt. So 1 joule = coulomb × volt.
While the charge per unit time is the strong current flowing, the electrical energy can be written, Because I = Q / t, the formulation is obtained:
W = (I.t) .V
W = V I t
If the equation is related to Ohm's law (V = I.R), the formulation is obtained
From the equations show that the amount of an electric energy depends on the charge, potential difference, electric current, resistance, and time. The greater the charge, the stronger the current, the potential and time difference, the greater the energy. As for obstacles, the greater the obstacles, the smaller the energy.

Examples of Electrical Energy Problems
A 110 volt electric solder is passed through 2 amperes. How much heat energy is generated after the solder has a current flowing for 20 minutes ???
Known :
V = 110 volts
I = 2 amperes
t = 20 minutes = 1200 s
Asked: W?
W = V I t = 110. 2 1200 = 264,000 J = 264 kJ
So, the heat energy that is produced after being flowed for 20 minutes is 264 kJ
That is the full review Hopefully what is discussed above is useful for readers. That is all and thank you.

Division of Duties in Drama Story

Division of Duties in Drama Story
Before reaching the processing of scripts for staging, we first need to know some functions or roles in staging. Basically staging work is group or team work. The team is divided into two, namely the organizing team and the staging team. What is meant by staging organizers are people who work to carry out the "show" staging.
The organizing team includes the head of the committee (production leader), secretariat, treasurer, fund sie, publication sie, equipment sie, documentation sie, consumption, and many more. This team plays a role in "selling" artwork (drama). The success or failure of the performance (with an indication of the large number of viewers, minimum financial return on investment, audience appreciation, sound system, good lighting) depends on this team.
The second team is the staging team. What is meant by a performance team is a group of people tasked with presenting works of art (drama) to watch. The performance team consisted of the director, script writer, artistic team, cosmetology team, costume team, lighting team, and actors.
Actually the staging team is divided into two groups, namely the team on stage (on stage) or actors, and the behind stage team. Both of these teams have the same role in making the show successful.
However, in public performances, things like the above will not happen. Therefore, long before the staging the director must conduct a survey regarding the prospective audience. If the audience is "fierce" the stage crew must be told, to be better prepared, and not to disappoint the audience.

First we discuss the performance team and their duties and authorities.
As we all know, the director is the leader of the performance. He was in charge of casting (selecting players according to roles in the script), arranging the acting of the actors, and arranging other crew members to support the performance. Basically a director has absolute power and at the same time has absolute responsibility for the performance.
Screenwriter. Actually, when a manuscript is chosen to be staged, the script writer is "dead". That is, he no longer has the right to set the visualization of the manuscript. The responsibility of the visualization rests with the director. Usually, in acting planning, a script writer is only asked as a commentator.
Stage Director. The main task of the stage stylist is to realize the setting (stage setting) as desired by the director. Usually the director will discuss with the stylist to create a stage setting that supports the story.
Stylist. The main task of the lighting designer is to plan and play the lighting at the time of the performance so that the lighting supports the setting of the scene. It is clear that the stylist needs to coordinate with the stylist. A lighting stylist must have adequate knowledge in terms of light mixers.
Makeup and Clothing. The main task of the makeup and fashion artist is to make the actors' makeup and costumes in accordance with the characters demanded by the director. Usually, makeup and fashion coordinate closely with the director.

Sound Designer. The main task of the sound stylist is to create a sound effect that supports the performance. Together with fashion stylists, stage stylists, and lighting stylists, sound designers create a setting that supports staging. It is clear that the prerequisite for becoming a sound stylist is to have the ability to manage the sound system and sound effect.
The main task of the actor is to play the character assigned to him by the director.
The organizing team and its authority are as follows.
chairman of the committee
Sie Shows
Sie Dana
Documentation Sie
Sie Equipment
Sie Consumption
Sie Place

Element of Drama

Element of Drama
In the drama stage there are at least 6 elements that need to be known, namely (1) drama script, (2) director, (3) cast, (4) stage, (5) stage equipment: light, makeup, sound, clothing, and (6) audience.
Play script. Is the main staging. Broadly speaking, drama scripts can take the form of tragedy (about sadness and misfortune), and comedy (about jokes and silly behavior), and are presented realistically (approaching the actual reality in the performance, both in language, clothing, and the stage layout, as well as symbolic (not in the performance
it needs to be similar to what actually happened in reality, usually made poetic, filled with dance-choir music, and an empty stage without decoration that depicts a reality, for example drama by Putu Wijaya. The selected manuscripts must be digested or processed, maybe even modified, added or reduced synchronized with the aim of staging the director's interpretation, stage performance, work relatives, equipment, and the audience he imagined.

After the manuscript, the director factor plays an important role. This director is in charge of coordinating the staging traffic so that the performance is successful. He was in charge of making / looking for drama scripts, looking for actors, working relatives, funders (producers), and being able to respond to prospective audiences.
This actor must interpret the disposition of the character he plays. It is indeed the director who decides it, but without the expertise in realizing the characterization, the role concept that the director has outlined based on the script, the results will be in vain.
Broadly speaking, stage variations can be divided into two categories. First, the stage is used as a full show, so that all spectators can observe the overall performance from outside the stage. Second, the stage is in the form of an arena, thus allowing the players to be around the audience.
Light (lighting) is needed to clarify the audience's view of the cast of the cast, so that it is achieved or can support the creation of a sad, moody, or joyful atmosphere, and can also support the set of keratistikan which is built on the stage.

Sound (sound effect). This sound plays an important role. Sound can be made directly (orchestra, band, gamelan, etc.), but it can also be done by recording which has already been prepared by the stage crew responsible for managing it.
Often called Kostm (costume), is a clothing worn by the players to help the cast in displaying the character of the character he plays. By seeing the costumes that the spectators wear directly, they can guess the profession of the characters displayed on the stage (doctors, nurses, soldiers, farmers, etc.), their position (commoners, courtiers, or kings), and the nature of the trendy, careless, or meticulous character ).

Thanks to good makeup, an 18-year-old girl can change her face as if she were a grandmother. Also a handsome face can be made into a character who looks cruel and ugly. All of that is endeavored to further assist the cast to bring the character's character in accordance with what the director's script and interpretation want.
The audience. In each performance the audience factor needs to be considered as well. If the drama is staged for the school students themselves, the audience factor is not that troubling. If something goes wrong, they will forgive, forgive, and if they criticize the tone will be more friendly.

Difference between Drama and Theater

Difference between Drama and Theater
Theater and drama, have the same meaning, but different captions. The theater comes from the Greek word "theatron" which literally means the building / venue. Thus the word theater always means performance / spectacle. Drama is also from the yunanai word 'dran' which means to do, apply or act.
Drama tends to have an understanding of literary art. In literary arts, drama is equal to the types of poetry, prose / essay. Drama also means an event or events about humans. Moreover, events or stories about humans then raised to a stage as a form of performance then it becomes a Theater event. Conclusion theater was created because of the drama.

Drama Structure
Themes, themes are central ideas which form the basis of the making or making of drama;
Plot or plot, is the fabric of the story from the beginning to the end of the story. The interwoven story in the form of the story in the drama in the form of problems, conflicts, the climax of the story or problem, and the end or problem solving;

Characterization and characterization, characterization or characterization is the identity of a character. Whether a character is good, evil, bad, envious or has another character. Characterization or characterization in the staging of the drama can be seen directly by the audience of the staging from the attitude, speech, behavior, sound and other behavior.
But in theory, the drama itself reveals the characterization or characterization of a character that is carried out explicitly and implicitly. Explicit of the opinions or comments of other characters in the story, and implicit from the behavior of the characters themselves;

Dialogue, dialogue or conversation are the main elements that distinguish drama with other stories. Dialogue in drama is a dialogue that is used in daily life according to the nature of drama which is an imitation of people's lives.
Dialogue is very vital for the success or failure of a staged drama, if the cast of characters can deliver a dialogue with full appreciation of the beauty and purpose of the performance can be achieved;
Setting, setting is the background of the story. Settings include time settings, place time settings, and room settings;

Mandate, is the message to be conveyed by the writer of the drama that was created. The mandate of a drama can be known after we appreciate the drama;
Technical instructions, technical instructions are instructions to stage or visualize the drama script. Technical instructions are also commonly called side text;
Drama as an interpretation of life, this element is not a physical element but rather a basic element or idea in composing drama which is an imitation of human life or a miniature of human life that is staged.

The Nature of Drama

The Nature of Drama
Drama itself comes from the Greek language, which is draomai which means to do, act, and so on. The word drama can be interpreted as an action or action. In general, the notion of drama is a literary work written in the form of dialogue and with the intention of being shown by the actor. Dramatic performances can be known as theater. Drama can also be said as a story that is exhibited on stage and based on a script.
In general, drama has two meanings, namely drama in the broad sense and drama in the narrow meaning. Understanding drama in a broad sense is all forms of spectacle or shows that contain stories that are watched or displayed in front of the general public. While the definition of drama in the narrow sense is a story of human life in society projected on the stage.

Characteristics of Drama
1.Drama is a modern prose that is produced as a script to be read and performed.
2. Can the drama script take the form of prose or poetry.
3. Boarding consists of a diologue compiled by the author with embodied character.
4. The author's thoughts and ideas are conveyed through dialogues in his character.
5. Conflicts are important elements in drama. Conflict is driven by characters in the plot, an important element in drama scripts.
6. A script that is not based on conflict is not considered a good drama.
7. Language style in a drama is also important because it shows the background of the era and the community it represents, as well as this drama reflects the sociocultural community described by the author.
Example of a Children's Drama Script
1. Katrin Yustina
2. Literature
4. Yesis
5. Linda (prologue reader).

A new student (Nisya) transferred from Jakarta was entering the school gate, suddenly Katrin came.
Katrin: hi you new kid huh? What is your name?
Nisya: yes ... my name is Nisya ...
Fury: (While reaching out) my name is Fury! Where did you move from and enter what class ... ????
Nisya: I am from Jakarta ………… I am here on Jalan Surapati. The headmaster said I was in class V1-D. If who were you? (Nisya reaches out to Katrin).
Katrin: I'm Katrin ... wow we are also students in class V1-D.
 Soon it appeared Nurjanah came closer while greeting the three.
Nurjanah: Who is this Fur .. ???
Fury: Oh this is called Nisya !!
Katrin: Do you know yourself ...
 (while raising Nisya's hand to Nurjanah's).
 Nurjanah thrust her hand towards Nisya, the two of them shook hands.
Nurjanah: eh Nisya ........ Later in your class just sitting next to me what about ???

The problem is the bench next to me is empty.
Nisya: Oh yeah ...
Fury: Yeah, let's join us together.
Katrin: Yes, if you study in groups of only 3 people, if you are the same, do you fit in four people ... !!!!!
Nisya: I just got fun, …… I'm happy to have a good new friend and like you. The four of them laughed towards class.

Understanding Drama According to Experts

Understanding Drama According to Experts
Understanding Drama According to Experts, Forms, Elements, Characteristics and Examples - Drama is a genre (type) of literature that describes the motion of human life. Drama illustrates the reality of life, human character and behavior through participation and dialogue that is staged. Stories and stories in conflict drama and emotional baggage specifically aimed at theater.
The play is made in a way that will be staged to be enjoyed by the audience. Drama requires the quality of communication, situations and actions. Quality can be seen from how conflicts or problems can be presented as a whole and in drama plays.

Definition of Drama
 Drama is a genre (type) of literature that describes the motion of human life. The term for drama during the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia is called the tonil. Tonil was then replaced by the play-term developed by PKG Mangku VII. The drama comes from code in Javanese and Wara. Password means secret, while wara (warah) means teaching. Then the term implies theatrical teachings carried out by symbols.

Definition of Drama
Understanding Drama According to Experts
Moulton, Drama is a life story depicted in the form of motion (presented directly in action).
Balthazar Vallhagen, Drama is art that describes nature and human nature in motion.
Ferdinand Brunetierre, According to the drama must give birth to desire by action or movement.
Budianta et al (2002), Drama is a literary genre that shows the verbal physical appearance of every conversation or dialogue between the leaders there.
The Media Literata Matrix Team, Drama is a form of narration that portrays human life and nature through staged behavior (acting).
Art Handayani, Drama is a form of composition based on two branches of art, literary arts and performance art so that drama is divided into two, namely drama in the form of written text and drama staged.
Wildan, Drama is a composition based on several branches of art, so that drama is divided into two, namely drama in the form of written text and drama staged.
Anne Civardi, Drama is a story that is told through words and movements.
According to KBBI: drama has several meanings. First, drama is defined as a composition of poetry or prose which is expected to portray life and character through acting or dialogue that is staged. Second, stories or stories that mainly involve conflict or emotion, which are specially composed for theater performances. Third, sad events.

Based on the literary form of his craft, drama is divided into two
Poetry drama, which is a drama where most of the chores are arranged in poetic form or using poetic elements.
Prose drama, which is a drama whose proceeds are arranged in the form of prose.
Based on the presentation of its contents
Tragedy (drama of grief), which is a drama that shows a sad or depressing figure, who is involved in an emergency situation because of something unfortunate. This situation led the character to despair and destruction. It can also mean a serious drama that portrays the tangle between the main character and extraordinary strength, which ends in disaster or sadness.
Comedy (drama ria), which is a light drama that is entertaining, even though the humor in it can be insinuating, and which ends happily.
Tragicomedy (drama dukaria), which is a drama that actually uses the flow of sorrow but ends with happiness.